Shopping Voucher for International by Scarab Jewellery Studio

Subscribe to our email updates and get a $20 Discount Voucher

That’s right! Just for signing up using the form below – we’ll send you a $20 (£15 €18) Voucher off purchases to the value of $130 (about £98 or €119) or more. It’s our gift to you.

Using the voucher is very simple. Once you’ve added our jewellery items to your shopping cart, you’ll go to “View Cart” or directly to “Checkout”. On either one of these pages you’ll have an opportunity to add the Voucher Code to automatically deduct the voucher amount of your total purchases.

What to do next:

Enter your email address and your name in the form below, and you should get our welcome email followed by your voucher code. It’s that easy. Use it whenever you like (it does eventually expire, so don’t hang on to it for too long). Happy Shopping!